Breast Health*
I’m dedicated to breast health! Mine, yours and ladies I haven’t even met. This is too important not to touch on and not to share with our daughters, our sisters, our moms, our grandmas, our aunts and our girlfriends. Click on this video link to hear from a nurse super-hero on the front lines and why she switched to Ruby Ribbon for her health.
*The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Bra Sizing
Bra sizing really depends on brand and style, there is no standardized sizing guide to follow. You can actually be multiple sizes even in the same brand. Then take into account your breast size, fullness, shape, placement and other personal factors. Now throw sister sizing into the mix and let the confusion begin.
Hold on to your camis, you may be shocked when you see this TED talk presented by Laura Tempesta. The ONLY person in America with a Master’s Degree in Lingerie Design!